For Ofsted

The Department of Education requires that all school websites contain certain information. To facilitate you finding it, this page provides shortcuts to key information either within this site or externally.

Staff member responsible for parent queries

The staff member responsible for parent queries is Celest Warner. Please contact her via the main school number 0118 981 7474 or email

SEND Information

Please click here to see the name and contact details for our SENCO.

Admission Arrangements

Our admission arrangements are set out here. The contact for admissions is Julia Merritt. She can be contacted via email or via telephone 0118 981 7474. 

Uniform Policy

Our uniform policy can be found here. 

Ofsted Reports

Please click here to view our Ofsted report.

Recent Exam Results

Exam results information and performance measures can be found here.

School Opening Hours

The school's opening hours are 08:40 - 15:00. The school  week is 31 hours and 40 minutes in duration. A consultation is underway to increase the duration to 32.5 hours in September 2024.

Curriculum Information

Subject information can be found by clicking here. 

Teaching and Learning information can be found here. 

Our Music Development plan can be found here.

Remote Education provision

Please click here to find out about our Remote Education provision. 


Please click here to view our school policies. 

Pupil Premium Information

Pupil Premium information can be accessed here.

Careers Programme

Information on our Careers Programme can be found here. 

Governor Information

Governor Information can be found here.

Financial Information

Please click here to view the school's financial information. One employee has a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

School Values and Ethos

Our school ethos can be found on the  School Vision, Values and Ethos page of the website.

Requests for copies

If you require a paper copy of any of the information contained within this website, please contact us.