Nursery Information


You will receive regular emails with updates about what is happening at the nursery and inviting you to events etc. You will also receive your invoices by email at the end of each month for the month ahead.

Parents Evening

We hold two parent evenings throughout the year for you to come and talk with your child's Key Person. These are held shortly after the termly assessments have been written and are an excellent opportunity for you to discuss these and talk about plans and next steps for your child’s individual learning journey.

Consent Forms

You will receive a welcome pack from the team when your child has their initial visits. As part of your welcome pack you will be asked to complete various consent forms to give your permission for a variety of events including; trips on our mini bus, trips on the local bus, walks off site etc.

Daily Records and Information

We use an online system for day to day events and the children’s learning journeys. We record the children’s meals, sleep times, nappy changes, entrance and exit times etc. We also record the children’s developmental progress through photos, videos, observations and assessments. You can access this through ParentZone, a secure app on your smart phone, tablet or laptop and when your child starts you will be sent a link to their individual page.

Early Years Foundation Stage

All nurseries use the government standards to support the children through their early years learning. These guidelines allow us to ensure that your child is meeting their expected milestones and fulfilling their potential. This standard is called The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

The Early Years Foundation Stage is the framework set out to support children’s learning, development and welfare throughout their early years.  The EYFS consists of two parts; Development Matters (used to monitor each child’s progress through their early education) and the Statutory Framework (used to ensure all mandatory requirements are being met at every early years setting). At Miss Polly’s, we closely track and monitor your child’s individual learning and development.

There are seven areas of learning defined in the EYFS, grouped into two categories-

The three prime areas are -

Personal, social and emotional development
Physical development
Communication and language

The four specific areas are - 

Understanding the world
Expressive art and design


Equal Opportunities

Miss Polly's places great emphasis on equal opportunities for all. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive, diverse setting. We aim to provide children with a positive self image and a respect for others regardless of sex, gender, race, religion, or culture. Our work within the nursery reflects the importance we place on providing a balanced, non-sexist, multi cultural approach to learning and living. The nursery is all on one floor making it an ideal place for children with physical/mobility needs.

Government Funding

We provide funded childcare for eligible 9 months old (from September 2024), 2 year old children and all children aged 3-4 years.  This commences the term after they are 9 months old  or their 2nd or 3rd birthday.  There are different types of funding available depending on your eligibility. At Miss Polly’s we offer 9 month funding and 2 year funding, Universal funding for all 3 and 4 year olds and Extended funding for 3 and 4 year olds (criteria based). Please click on the website link for more information




Both staff and children should not attend nursery if they are not well enough to get through the day as normal. We are able to administer medicine that has been signed in by the parent and is given to us in its original packaging with correct dosage information. We are able to administer paracetamol in emergency cases with your permission. If your child becomes unwell in our care we will phone you to discuss the best course of action. Within the policies you will see the exclusion policies for various illnesses. 

Meals & Snacks


Butterflies  — 8.30am -9.00am

Breakfast/snack consists of toast, cereal and a range of fruit.


Caterpillars - for children under 1 year, we ask parents to supply a main meal and pudding in a named lunch box.  We re-heat any food you provide (except rice) to the required temperature as set out by Environmental Health.  Once the child is fully weaned and on three meals a day, Miss Polly’s provide hot lunches the same as the older rooms.

Caterpillars, Butterflies and Ladybirds - lunches are cooked by Hungry Moose, an outside provider.  You will be provided with a copy of the menu in your welcome pack.  The cost of meals is included in your fees or additionally if you claim grant.

Afternoon Snack

Caterpillars and Butterflies have their snack time in the afternoon between 4pm-4.30pm and Ladybirds have their snack at 2.30pm/3.00pm which consists of fruit, cheese, carrots, tomatoes, crackers, sandwiches, milk or water.  Water is always available throughout the day, in all rooms.

Formula Milk

We ask parents to provide empty, sterilised bottles and teats, with the correct amount of baby powder in a suitable container for each feed. We will then make up the feeds fresh at each feed time. The bottles will then be rinsed out and sent home at the end of each day. This is the policy we have to follow as set out by the Food Standard Agency.

Breast Feeding

If you wish to continue breastfeeding your child once returning to work we have a quiet, private area which you are able to use. Expressed milk can also be stored in the fridge.

Our Ethos

We believe that children learn best through play and we create opportunities to capture their interest and imagination to get the most out of each moment. We love outdoor play at Miss Polly’s and know that some children learn best in the outdoor environment, we believe in outdoor play whatever the weather! As the children get older we take some inspiration from ‘The Curiosity Approach’ and try to regularly incorporate open ended play and resources to spark curiosity and imagination, promoting rich and varied vocabulary.


On confirming your child’s place at Miss Polly’s you will be given a hard copy of our policies and procedures documents to take home and read. It is also possible to receive these by email if you would prefer. Any policies that are updated will be emailed to you along with any new policies created.

Provisions & Clothing


We ask parents to supply nappies, wipes, and cream. These will be kept in your child's own drawer in the bathroom. The team will notify you through ParentZone when your child’s supplies are running low.


Each child will have their own labelled peg in their room. We ask that you provide a bag each day with a range of spare clothes for them to change into. We also ask that you provide clothing appropriate for the season i.e. sun hats, coats, wellies, gloves etc. We kindly ask that all items of clothing are named.


At Miss Polly’s we take safeguarding very seriously and know that it is our responsibility to ensure all children are safe and have their needs met in order for them to progress and thrive. Please see below our Safeguarding Policy. We also follow the safeguarding policies in line with The Hurst School. All recruits at Miss Polly’s undergo a full Disclosure Barring Service check (DBS check) and all staff are expected to complete safeguarding induction training. Every member of staff has refresher safeguarding training annually. The Designated Safeguarding Lead professionals at Miss Polly’s are Parise (Manager) and Robert Jones (Deputy Manager).

Our doors are coded so that only parents and staff may enter. We are based on school ground which are monitored throughout the day.


The children in the Caterpillars room sleep in buggies outside, under a covered area. In preparation for their transition to the Butterflies room, the children begin to sleep on mattresses on the floor. We do also have travel cots available if needed. In Butterflies many of the children are still having an afternoon sleep and they sleep in the room on a mattress on the floor in one half of the room. Two members of staff stay with the children while they are sleeping. In Ladybirds some of the children are still having an afternoon sleep and they sleep in our additional room on mattresses. The children are checked on a regular basis and and information recorded within the rooms.